Southwest Michigan Journalism Collaborative (SWMJC) is a dynamic group of 12 partners representing media, educational or community organizations dedicated to strengthening local journalism. We support and enhance the news ecosystem in Southwest Michigan, to provide accurate and equitable coverage, and to promote diversity of voices among journalists and sources alike.

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Hatfield is looking around Kalamazoo County for affordability, hoping to stay in Kalamazoo Public Schools, without sacrificing too much in areas like safety. She scours Zillow and other websites to find homes for sale before they disappear. They often go quickly, she said. It’s a common tale in Kalamazoo County. Incomes have risen 19% since 2019 — but housing prices are up 46%. Finding housing that doesn’t break the bank used to be a problem for low-income folks. Now, even households with a decent salary are in a pinch.


Kids events at the annual Black Arts Festival held in Bronson Park.
From summertime outdoor concerts to annual festivals focused on specific cultures, Kalamazoo and its surrounding area has no shortage of arts and cultural and events for the public to attend. These events not only reflect and celebrate community identity but also can give cities and neighborhoods an economic boost.
Megan & Molly - Covid Cohort
Pandemic restrictions, social isolation and missed opportunities for support in planning their futures, layered on top of the economic precariousness and social turmoil of recent years, left many in the Covid Cohort more emotionally uncertain and less prepared for adulthood than previous generations, professionals and parents say.
Los musicoterapeutas utilizan la música para lograr objetivos no musicales específicos para cada paciente, dice Deanna Bush, instructora y coordinadora de experiencias clínicas estudiantiles en el programa de musicoterapia de WMU. Durante una clase de improvisación musical de verano, rodeada de una selección de instrumentos que iban desde sonajeros con cuentas hasta tubanos similares a bongós, Bush instruyó a dos estudiantes para que representaran una discusión utilizando xilófonos de madera en miniatura. Luego, los estudiantes discutieron lo que habían sentido durante el combate musical.


The Mental Wellness Project

SWMJC inaugural collaborative reporting project focused on mental health in Southwest Michigan. The goal of this project is to shed light on the key issues impacting access to mental health services. This project was funded by Solutions Journalism Network.

Youth Mental Health

In early 2024, SWMJC was awarded a collaborative reporting grant by Solutions Journalism Network to focus on youth mental health. With the U.S. General Surgeon’s recent report on the increased urgency to address youth mental health, this project highlights current solutions.

Equitable Community Development

This collaborative reporting project is focused on economic and community development issues in Southwest Michigan.
