The Mental Wellness Project Archive

Patti Criswell - therapist interview
“Anxiety will take as much room as you give it,” says Patti Criswell, who has spent her career listening to and helping young people through mental health struggles. In a video produced by Public Media Network, Criswell offers advice for parents of anxious teens and gives young people tips for managing anxiety and depression.
One in 3 U.S. homes with children under 18 has a gun, according to information provided by Bronson Methodist Hospital.
The nation’s mental health crisis can become increasingly fatal as firearms become more accessible, data shows. Michigan’s new gun safety laws and local health care-led initiatives are intended to help before that statistic hits Kalamazoo County.
One in 3 U.S. homes with children under 18 has a gun, according to information provided by Bronson Methodist Hospital.
El creciente acceso a armas de fuego en EE.UU. está intensificando la crisis de salud mental entre los adolescentes, un grupo especialmente vulnerable a decisiones impulsivas. En Michigan, nuevas leyes de seguridad y programas comunitarios buscan abordar el problema, pero el riesgo sigue siendo alto.
A counselor trained in equine-assisted therapy, Federinko says working with horses can provide an avenue for building self-esteem and confidence; for teaching problem-solving skills, impulse control, and emotional awareness; and for helping kids – as well as adults — learn how to build trust and empathy.
The ACE scoring method is illuminating the relationship between stresses that children face that lead to public health problems later in life and the importance of preventing ACEs before they happen, a cause being promoted by a number of organizations across the region.
Los musicoterapeutas utilizan la música para lograr objetivos no musicales específicos para cada paciente, dice Deanna Bush, instructora y coordinadora de experiencias clínicas estudiantiles en el programa de musicoterapia de WMU. Durante una clase de improvisación musical de verano, rodeada de una selección de instrumentos que iban desde sonajeros con cuentas hasta tubanos similares a bongós, Bush instruyó a dos estudiantes para que representaran una discusión utilizando xilófonos de madera en miniatura. Luego, los estudiantes discutieron lo que habían sentido durante el combate musical.